When developing and implementing, as well as maintaining, an Emergency Medical system, effective communication and teamwork is essential for the delivery of high quality, highly effective and responsive patient care. Communication failures are an extremely common cause of inadvertent patient harm.
The complexity of medical care, coupled with the inherent limitations of human performance, make it critically important that early responders and clinicians have standardized communication tools, create an environment in which individuals can speak up and express concerns, and share common “critical language” to alert team members to potential initial patient safety issues.
American Health sees the EMS system as a crucial player in the patient care eco-cycle. Ineffectiveness at the initial point of care renders more challenges for healthcare providers in the care supply chain. This is why American Health has partnered with a renowned EMS System agency that has developed an EMS system assessment and redesign process that helps local and regional cities redevelop their EMS system into a Center of Excellence.